Think Globally – Act Locally

I will join the growing list of community members, local businesses and people around the world who have committed to being part of the climate solution. Fact: Jan 27, 2021, world’s largest survey of public opinion on climate change: a majority of people call for wide-ranging action.    source

SDG goals

Pictured above two young people from Bhutan hold signs depicting two of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.  THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (

As individuals in Muskoka, we can do our part by keeping our carbon emissions front of mind everyday as we go about our lives.  Every reduction in emissions we make at home, work, and at play counts.

“Alone, our steps may seem small. But when we come together, we have the power to influence brands, markets, governments and more – challenging others to act boldly and speed up change on a global scale.” Count Us In.

You can find some great ideas to get you thinking and can sign on to our local “Community Carbon Challenge” at Community Carbon Challenge – Climate Action Muskoka

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