Why CAM is Perturbed but Undeterred, and You Should Be Too
And so we have another Conservative majority in Ontario, including a Conservative MPP, Graydon Smith, in Parry Sound-Muskoka. Given their actions of the last four years and their stated plans for the next four, it’s reasonable to interpret this as a major setback for climate action in Ontario, and even to entertain dark and immobilizing feelings of hopelessness.
We’re here to say, Not so fast, friend. There are real reasons to congratulate ourselves as a community, and to double down in our commitment to work together to take climate action.
- Climate action candidates won more votes in Parry Sound-Muskoka than the PCs. Combining the Green and the NDP vote, 48% of those who turned out supported candidates and parties with strong climate action priorities, plans and policies. Matt Richter and Erin Horvath: You are incredible candidates and we commend you and your teams for your hard work. You have accomplished much. We are proud of you!
- Graydon Smith: We congratulate you on your win. We are counting on you to be our voice in this riding for the future of this planet and the well-being of all the people of Parry Sound-Muskoka. We remind you that climate action candidates won more votes in PSM than the PCs, which indicates that your constituents want you to address the climate emergency.
- Doug Ford has spoken about the need to address the climate crisis and has pledged to achieve the Conservatives’ weak emissions reductions targets. It is now up to citizens and our MPP Graydon Smith to demand that they re-examine their GHG reduction goals and their climate agenda, particularly with respect to gas expansion plans, highways, and sprawl.
- Voter turnout was just 53% in PSM, and across Ontario was even lower, at 43%. Hopelessness and apathy are climate action’s greatest enemy and we must do everything we can to combat it. Climate Action Muskoka is here to help and support climate action by any and all. As the awareness of the need for climate justice continues to move into the political mainstream, we remain steadfast in our commitment to speak to those issues.
- And lastly: Taking climate action builds community, it feels good, and it is the right thing to do—regardless of setbacks big or small. Please continue to support climate action. Come out and join CAM in one of our many activities on the climate front. Visit our CAM website to see what we have been doing or contact us: climateactionmuskoka@gmail.com. Join other Muskokans taking our Community Carbon Challenge.
So buck up, rest up, and let’s carry on. This is a marathon, folks. Dropping out is not an option. Power to the planet!

Meanwhile, in Ontario
Meanwhile in Ontario… juxtaposed what must be done to ensure a liveable future with what the Ford government has actually been up to.
Last week we wrapped up the pre-election series with the comprehensive 12-point Climate Plan for Ontario, developed by the Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC). The OCEC is a coalition of over 150 Ontario groups representing over half a million Ontario residents.
The complete 9 part series will remain here for future reference
From Seniors For Climate Action Now (SCAN)
Keep these figures in mind, including the abysmal turnout, the next time you hear someone say Ontario voted for Doug Ford:
* Eligible voters 2022 Ontario Election = 10,751,462
* Actual # of votes cast = 4,683,573 or 43.5% (in 2018 turnout was 57%, the highest in almost two decades)
* Numbers of votes cast for PCs = 1,912,648 or 17.8% of electorate
Not even 20% voted in a majority government that has committed – and will continue to commit – climate crimes.
We have our work cut out for us.