Hi everyone, This is a reminder that we are climate striking tomorrow, Friday January 10, 11:30am to 12:30pm at Memorial Park in Bracebridge. We hope you can join us!
If you live outside of Bracebridge, please consider carpooling. You can either post on the Climate Action Muskoka Facebook group, or email us at climateactionmuskoka@gmail.com.
Climate Strike Gravenhurst, Huntsville, Dorset….?
All it takes to start a weekly climate strike is for a few passionate people to agree to come together and, as Nike says, Just Do It. If you are from another town in Muskoka and would like to help organize and support a weekly climate strike closer to home, let’s talk! Again, Facebook or email, or heck, face-to-face any Friday.
Recommended Read of the Week

Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. This book is not about stopping global warming. It’s about reversing it.
Audacious, comprehensive and accessible, this explanation and ranking of the top 100 solutions to reverse climate change is a must-read. You can get it at the Bracebridge Library (though not at the moment as yours truly has it out). There is also a Drawdown website, which is up-to-date. (The book was published in 2017.)
Remember: We Climate Strike Every Friday
Rome wasn’t built in a day. We climate strike at Memorial Park in Bracebridge every Friday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. All are welcome. If you don’t have a sign, we’ll try to find you one. (If you’re making one, “Honk for Climate Action” has been very popular with passers-by!) Bring your family and friends. We hope to see you there!
Inspirational Quote of the Week
“We convince with our presence.” – Walt Whitman