Three Upcoming Events

Online Premiere: Later is Too Late April 3 at 6:30pm
Join Seniors for Climate (SFC) for a special online viewing of the new inspiring documentary, Later is Too Late (2025, 60 min) by award-winning filmmaker Nancy Nicol, which captures the energy and impact of the first-ever National Seniors’ Day of Climate Action on October 1, 2024. On that day, seniors, youth, Indigenous elders, and climate activists rallied in 76 communities across Canada—from Pugwash, NS, to Victoria, BC, to Yellowknife, NT, to Huntsville, ON—to demand urgent climate action.
Watch the trailer here. Register for the Premiere here.
Webinar Panel Discussion: Election, Trade War, Climate Crisis: What’s Next For Canada? March 28 at 7pm
Friday, March 28, 2025 at 7pm Canada’s National Observer’s top political and climate reporters bring their deep expertise to make sense of this chaotic moment and what it means for the country. Register here. Free.
In Person: Shrinking the Lawn April 3 at 7pm
Muskoka Field Naturalists present best-selling author Lorraine Johnson at the Bracebridge Sportsplex, speaking on Shrinking the Lawn. She is the best-selling author of more than 10 books, including her most recent, A Garden for the Rusty-Patched Bumblebee: Creating Habitat for Native Pollinators, co-authored with Sheila Colla.
Listen to the interview with Lorraine on the Joe Gardener Show podcast here.
Every other Tuesday –
Gil (Guillermo) Penalosa is passionate about creating cities for all people. He has inspired and advised decision makers in more than 350 different cities around the world. His priority is creating cities for everyone: affordable, equitable, sustainable where all people can live healthier and happier regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, ability, or socio-economic background.
- Feb 4th: The Best Climate Activist is a Good Urban Planner. Guest: Hélène Chartier. Director of Urban Planning and Design, C40 Cities, based in Paris, France. Register: here
- Feb 18th:School Streets: Enhancing Neighborhoods In Paris & Barcelona. Guest: Priscilla Benedetti, City of Paris, Jordi Honey-Rosés, City Lab Barcelona. Register: here
- March 4th: Talking with Children about Cities. Guest Lior Steinberg, Urban planner & co-founder of Humankind, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Register: here
- March 18th: Good Cities makes it easier to have good Mental, Physical, Social, Health. Guest: Giselle Sebag. Executive Director. Int. Society for Urban Health. New York, NY. Register: here
- April 1st: Building a Healthier, More Livable City: The City of North Vancouver’s Vision for the Future. Guest: Mayor Linda Buchanan, City of North Vancouver. Register: here
Past sessions:
- All past sessions available on YouTube –
Recently recorded – available now!
Despite the boom in solutions, there are shortcomings in how they are covered in Canada’s national media. Climate Change and Solutions in Canada’s National Media – Re.Climate
We’ve also included a recap of the event
The Five Canadas: Two-Part Webinar Series
This two-part webinar series published by Re.Climate in October is a must-view for communicating about climate. Panelists dive deep into the hearts and minds of Canadians and share insights from original in-depth research.
Webinar 1: Knowing Your Audience: Who Are the Five Canadas?
Learn about the five key audience segments in Canada: Progressive activists, Civic nationals, Centrist liberals, the Disengaged middle and Fossil fuel conservatives. Find out what they value, who they trust and how open each audience is to being mobilized to take action on climate change. 1h:12m Watch
Webinar 2: Building Public Support for Climate Action in Canada
How do we build a social mandate for climate action based on the Five Canadas audience? Panellists Chris Hatch, Jamie Biggar and Dr. Louise Comeau discuss how to build broad public support for climate action, moving beyond Progressive Activists with effective, tested messages. 1h:28m. Watch

Missed the event? Check out the recording and resources here.
Whether you are planning your off-grid dream home or just wanting to reduce your carbon footprint and your energy costs, this webinar is for you.
Audrey Bayens, Registered Energy Advisor, Bryant Halsall, owner of Sunnyside Installations in Gravenhurst, and Arleigh Luckett, a CAM member whose new rooftop solar installation is earning credits on her electricity bill, will provide an overview of how to get started. Co-Sponsored by Climate Action Muskoka and Environment Haliburton EH!
Webinar recording available here – YouTube
Cycling Tourism in the Biosphere & Beyond

… learn about tourism benefits, how to become a bicycle-friendly community & improve cycling infrastructure to become a sustainable destination.
The Ontario By Bike Network supports and certifies bicycle-friendly communities and businesses, develops cycle tourism itineraries, and is a leading resource for cycling related information and bicycle friendly places to eat, visit and sleep.
Feb. 1 — Cold Climate Heat Pumps in Muskoka: Webinar

Presented by Audrey Bayens, a Registered Energy Advisor with Goldfinch Energy, an Advisor for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Community Building Retrofit Program and a volunteer with weRcircular, a circular economy community awareness group. In partnership with Climate Action Muskoka.
Presentation slide deck available here – pdf
Webinar recording available here – YouTube
The Influence of U.S. Politics In Canada
Planet Haliburton – the Podcast
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A recording of the webinar is available here. Please bear in mind that we had some technical glitches, so the audio in the first twenty minutes isn’t up to our usual standards. If you want like to send in comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario and members of the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy about the proposed legislation to return lands to the Greenbelt you can use our online tool. We are so glad to have supporters like you, who are eager to dig into policy details and take action when we have a clear shot at influencing decision makers. In Solidarity, Phil Pothen |
Zero Emission Vehicles: A Four-Part Webinar Series from GBBR
Georgian Bay Biosphere presents a four-part series on on Electric Vehicles:
- April 12, 7pm: Electric Vehicles 101
- May 17, 7pm: EV Infrastructure 101
- June 14, 7pm: Dispelling EV Myths
- August 16, 7pm: Owning an EV in the GBB Region
Find you tube videos here – Georgian Bay Biosphere – YouTube
Part 2 of our 4 part Extraction Series – Industrial Logging
Industrial Logging, Biodiversity and the Climate Emergency Webinar.

This is the second in our four-part Extraction series co-sponsored by CAM. SCAN! and EH! 1h:30m:20s
recording available now – “Industrial Logging”
recording of part 1 “Mineral Extraction”
Watch for Part 3 on Industrial Agriculture and Part 4 on Aggregate Extraction later this year.
Taking a Bite out of the Climate Crisis through Regenerative Agriculture
Please feel free to view this at your leisure. We also wanted to pass along a few of the important links that Dana Penrice shared during the event:
- Régénération Canada’s interactive farm map
- Farmers for Climate Solutions
- Land to Market’s Ecological Outcome Verification
Part 1 of our 4 part Extraction Series
Beyond Gas Ontario’s Energy Future
Hosted by the Ontario Climate Emergency Campaign (OCEC), this webinar lays out the route to an energy transition without fossil fuels, and it will leave you feeling hopeful. If you are short on time, be sure to catch the segment presented by Stanford University professor Mark Z. Jacobson, in which he explains that we already have everything we need to make the transition. His portion runs from 0h:17m to 1h:01m. The webinar is 1h:46m in total and is available on demand.

If you missed the webinar or want to rewatch or share with others, click on the button below.

Are you curious about how you can tell which trees are which during the winter months before leaves sprout in Spring? Watch this March Webinar from March 2023 to learn how to identify common
Find links to previous webinars here
Planet Haliburton: Gordon Laxer on Big Foreign Oil’s Canadian Political Meddling—A Bigger Problem Than China?

Host Terry Moore interviews Gordon Laxer, author of Posing As Canadian: How Big Foreign Oil Captures Canadian Energy and Climate Policy and a well-known national commenter (and CAM supporter). Gordon contends that foreign-owned oil corporations should also be included in investigations into meddling by foreign actors in Canadian elections. Listen to the episode (46minutes).
On the same subject: read Opinion: Any probe of foreign political meddling should include Big Oil. By Gordon Laxer in the Edmonton Journal, March 30, 2023.
January 26, 2023 – Hope and Activism
Join me, Terry Moore, for a conversation about building hope in the midst of cascading ecological crises with author/activist Maude Barlow, author of “Still Hopeful: Lessons From a Lifetime of Activism

We also shared a number of useful links and resources during the webinar which I have compiled below.
- Press Release regarding Ecojustice’s Judicial Review of the Hamilton Official Plan
- Alliance for a Liveable Ontario Website
- Draft Municipal Motion to Reduce Sprawl Development
- Greenbelt Guardians Website (under construction)
- Queen’s Park Rally – Feb 25
- Get Notified When Lawn Signs are Available
November 24- Wetlands and Politics – an EH! presentation
Resource_list_wetlands_and_politics_eh__nov_24_2022.pdf (

Hope & Climate Action at the Local Level: 2022 Ontario Municipal Election

We’re following up with everyone who registered for our Bait and Switch webinar with a recording of the event (with closed captions) and tools to help you take action on this important issue! WATCH THE RECORDING All of our panelists agreed that the most important thing you can do is reach out to your MPP directly and let them know your concerns about Bill 23 and the simultaneous attacks on the Greenbelt. If you would like to send a personal letter or a make a call you can look up your MPP’s contact info here. If you’re looking for facts to share with your MPP here are some good resources: Environmental Defence’s Analysis of Bill 23 | Ontario Nature’s Backgrounder on Bill 23 | Canadian Environmental Law Association’s Review of Bill 23 In addition to contacting your MPP, you can also make a written submission to the Committee Hearings on Bill 23. It’s actually a quick process that can be done online. This toolkit will show you how. The toolkit also contains news articles and resources that will help you craft a substantive submission.Thanks again, |
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Phil Pothen Program Manager, Ontario Environment |
Feb. 1 — Cold Climate Heat Pumps in Muskoka: Webinar

As energy prices climb and the effects of climate change become more evident, homeowners are exploring energy-saving options to heat and cool their homes. Join us for a webinar on Thursday, Feb. 1 from 7:00-8:00 pm in which you will learn how heat pumps work and some of the advantages, including:
- Heat pumps provide both heating and cooling, making them versatile and cost-effective
- Heat pumps are more efficient to run, so you’ll save money on your energy bills
- Heat pumps are an eco-friendly alternative to natural gas and baseboard heating
- A federal Canada Greener Homes Grant and Loan can help offset the cost of installation.
You will also hear success stories of other Muskoka homeowners who have made the switch.
Presented by Audrey Bayens, a Registered Energy Advisor with Goldfinch Energy, an Advisor for the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Community Building Retrofit Program and a volunteer with weRcircular, a circular economy community awareness group. In partnership with Climate Action Muskoka.
Citizen Oil: How oil lobbyists hide behind the maple leaf to protect profit and delay climate action
Thursday June 16, 7 pm – Ford’s Urban Sprawl Agenda

Sprawl is an issue in Muskoka’s urban areas. We are already seeing clear-cutting of our carbon-sequestering forests and added dependence on cars to move from expanding subdivisions to urban service areas. Please join us for this important online discussion about sprawl. June 16, 7pm. Our municipal Councils should be creating urban areas that are walkable, 15-minute towns before developers and sprawl completely overtake us. Apologies to those who registered for the earlier cancelled webinar.
Ford’s Urban Sprawl Agenda Chat Postings, June 16, 2022
Links Placed in Chat by Participants
• From Michelle Tom :
• From Lyba Spring : And this is tied to inclusionary zoning with affordable housing close to transit hubs
• From Phil Pothen : Here’s the resource re: Highway 413 and the Environmental Assessment
• From Michelle Tom :
• From Michelle Tom : Architect Emma Cubbit’s Facebook group:
• From Michelle Tom :
• From Michelle Tom : https://www,
• From Bryant Thompson :
• From Brian Lewis :
• From Michelle Tom : Hamilton StopSprawl Website:
• From Michelle Tom : StopSprawl Peel:
• From Gracia Janes : Gracia janes from Niagara Preservation of Agricultural Lands Society (PALS}
• From Michelle Tom :
• From Michelle Tom : Toronto Star article today on Sprawl and farmland loss:
• From Nick Hebb : Join us next month as we examine Tales from the Storm: Lessons in Community
Resiliency on Thursday July 14th on Zoom. We will hear from three presenters who were able to
harness the power of renewable technologies in the aftermath of the storm that swept through
Ontario this past May. Don’t miss this session to learn how you too can become more resilient. Register
• From Phil Pothen :
• From Michelle Tom :
• From Jenni Le Forestier : Sure my twitter is @jenni_forestier
• From Phil Pothen : Twitter @pothen & @envirodefence
• From Lilly Noble : Lilly Noble@budgie_girl2
Thursday May 12 – ‘Ring of Fire’ in Northern Ontario
Background Documents: scan-climate-crime-9-2022-03-17[1].pdf

‘Development’ of the ‘Ring of Fire’ in Northern Ontario poses a threat to the second largest peatland carbon sink in the world. This webinar features presenters Donna Ashamock, a member of the Cree Nation; affiliated band member with Fort Albany First Nation and McCreebec community member and Dayna Nadine Scott, York University Research Chair in Environmental Law & Justice in the Green Economy, Osgoode Hall Law School. It is organized by Seniors for Climate Action Now! and Environment Haliburton!
Tues May 3 – Doug Ford’s Climate Crimes: A SCAN! ‘Indictment on 33 Counts’

Join Climate Action Muskoka, Environment Haliburton!, Climate Action for Lifelong Learners, and Below 2C for the official virtual unveiling of Ten Climate Reasons to Defeat Ford and a discussion about how climate groups and individuals can use the 33 Climate Crimes documented by Seniors for Climate Action Now! to hold Ford accountable in the June 2 Ontario Election. Tuesday, May 3 at 7:30pm.
Feb 8 to May 3 a bi-weekly series Tuesdays at 7:30 pm

Click on the pic for A Walk in the Park With Gil youtube playlist
A Walk in the Park with Gil is an excellent bi-weekly webinar series in which Gil Penalosa invites knowledgeable international experts to present fascinating stories and successful cases of urban parks around the world.
Gil Penalosa brings his insights as the world-renowned urban designer of Bogota, Columbia’s amazing parks system to the Q and A. He now lives in Toronto. A partnership with 8 80 Cities and World Urban Parks.
- Gil’s Bio Watch (1:38s)
- Feb. 8: Older Adults & Parks – It’s 1/3 of our lives!
- Feb. 22: Playgrounds as Triggers of Community Building. Mi Parque Fdn., Chile and Kaboom, USA.
- March 8: Canada’s Amazing Stanley Park. Donnie Rosa, General Manager, City of Vancouver Parks & Rec.
- March 22: Parks and Greenspaces. How to double a city’s population in the existing footprint. Rob Adams’ 7.5% City. City Architect, Melbourne.
- April 5: Small and Medium Cities also need Great Park Systems. The Victorias: Canada’s & Spain’s.
- April 19: Open Streets / Ciclovias: Meeting as Equals. Sustainable happiness. Healthy. Streets for people.
- May 3: Magnificent Central Park and its Conservancy. Betsy Smith, President and CEO.
March 2, 2022 – The High Price of Bad Energy Choices

Under the Ford government plans, gas plants will be used to replace aging nuclear reactors and meet new demands for electricity from electric vehicles and home heating. But this will result in soaring greenhouse gas emissions at a time when we should be doing everything we can to combat climate change. Gibbons will lay out an alternative plan for getting Ontario to a zero-carbon electricity grid by 2030.
Getting Ontario to a Zero-carbon Electricity Grid
Jan 26-Feb 23, 2022-Wednesdays at 4:00 pm 5 part series
The Best of Two Worlds: Lessons for Sustainability from Indigenous Ecological Knowledge and Western Science

This new five-part webinar series from Muskoka Steamship Discovery Centre and Friends of the Muskoka Watershed provides a fascinating new look at how we approach sustainability. Discover how Indigenous practises and western science can contribute to a heathier planet. Meet thoughtful western and Indigenous environmental professionals and listen to their different approaches to stewardship of the environment based on their years of engagement in ecological management. In the case of Indigenous ways, thousands of years! By gaining a better understanding of the two approaches we can improve the potential for a more sustainable future.
Session 1. January 26, 2022, 4:00 pm – What might Hillel, Hiawatha and Hippocrates have thought about the practice of western ecological science: reflections on half a century of research on Ontario lakes Presenter: Dr. Norman Yan
Session 2. Feb 2, 2022, 4:00pm – Anishinaabek Kweok N’bi G’giikendaaswinmin (Our Water Knowledge) Presenter: Susan Chiblow
Session 3. Feb 9, 2022, 4:00pm – Case studies – working with traditional knowledge and western science eyes Presenters: Neil Hutchinson, Richard Nesbitt, Brenda Parlee, and Caroline Coburn
Session 4. Feb 16, 2022, 4:00pm – Combining Indigenous knowledge with western science as communities in far northern Ontario seek ways to adapt to climate change Presenter: David Pearson
Session 5. Feb 23, 2022, 4:00pm – The Many Worlds of Knowledge Presenter: Henry Lickers
Ford’s Bogus Climate Plan
The Powerpoint slides and script for David’s presentation can be downloaded below.
eh_ppp_david_r_fords_bogus_climate_plan_feb_8_2022.pptx |
ford’s_bogus_climate_plan__dr’s_script_for_ec_presentation_feb_8_2022.docx |
What We Can Do: How to Fight Climate Change at Home, at Work, and in Your Finances
Dec 08, 2021 – CBC The Current – Host Matt Galloway –
We bring you a special show about climate change and how to fight it at home, at work, and in your finances. We hear from experts, and ordinary Canadians who are already making the change. What changes can you make at home and in your daily life, to help fight climate change?
Webinar: Busting the Fossil Fuel Corridor
There are three massive fossil fuel projects which cross Indigenous lands currently being developed in BC: the Site C-Dam, the Coastal Gas Link pipeline and the Trans Mountain pipeline. Join Raven, West Coast Climate Action Network and three First Nations chiefs to learn about the resistance to these projects being led by Indigenous groups.
In this compelling on-demand webinar, Chiefs Smogelgem, Roland Willson and Rueben George lay out the issues, give a clear picture of what is at stake, and why all Canadians need to be aware of these projects and the heart-breaking devastation they are causing. You’ll also come away with some strategies and tools to support Indigenous-led land and water protection. 1h:08m Watch the Webinar
Join Terry Moore for a discussion with Katherine Hayhoe.
Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World
Interview with Katharine Hayhoe, climate scientist and communicator extraordinaire as well as author of a recent book entitled “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World”
You can access this and all episodes as podcasts on the Planet Haliburton page on CanoeFM online, as well as on Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio
Webcast: Canada’s Climate Record: Broken Promises, Bright Future? Video links

- Canada’s Climate Record : Broken Promises, Bright Future? Introduction. – YouTube
- What is COP26? Gail Greer – YouTube
- Critique of Canada’s Climate Plan. David Robertson – YouTube
- Broken Promises, Realistic Futures? Ali Hashemi – YouTube
- How do we limit warming to 1.5 degrees C.? Danny Harvey – YouTube
- An insider’s view of Glasgow? Tamara Lorincz – YouTube
- An analysis of COP26 discussions to date. Mitchell Beer – YouTube
- What can you do about climate policy? Lyn Adamson – YouTube
Full recording:
Canada’s Climate Record: Broken Promises, Bright Future? November 7, 2021 – YouTube – 1 hour and 5 minutes
COP26 and Net Zero’s Distractions – Webinar
In case you missed CAM’s co-sponsored webinar…Source
Planet Haliburton Podcast – Net Zero’s Dangerous Distractions

Terry Moore and guest Marc Lee, senior economist with Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives delve into “Net Zero” versus “Real Zero” carbon emission reduction targets. You can access this and all episodes as podcasts on the Planet Haliburton page on CanoeFM online, as well as on Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio etc.
Planet Haliburton Podcast – Ecological Overshoot with William Rees

There’s been much discussion about the climate emergency as the existential issue of our time. But a growing number of earth-system scientists see this as but one of a series of symptoms of a much larger problem in the relationship between humans and earth’s life-sustaining biosphere—ecological overshoot. This episode of Planet Haliburton features an interview with Professor William Rees, the co-inventor of the “Ecological Footprint” index of human impact on the earth’s carrying capacity, about the root causes of human-caused ecological overshoot and what we can do about it. 51 minutes. You can access this and all episodes as podcasts on the Planet Haliburton page on CanoeFM online, as well as on Spotify, iTunes, iHeartRadio, etc
Making Fossil Fuels History: Can renewables get us there? SCAN! Webinar

The Liberal Climate Action Formula is long on extending the life of Big Fossil in Canada and short on powering up a renewable energy transition. This SCAN! event featuring The Energy Mix editor, Mitchell Beer, is a stimulating and thought-provoking presentation on the prospects for a renewable energy-enabled exit from the Climate Emergency for Canada. Please try to view it before you vote to see what is really possible if we put our minds to it and elect a government committed to taking REAL climate action. Watch the video. 1h:36m:47s.
Ticks and Lyme Disease: A TICKing Time Bomb in Eastern Ontario — Zoom presentation Tuesday June 8, 7 pm.
Now available on You-tube — here

Friends of the Napanee and Salmon Rivers and the Hastings Stewardship Council are hosting a virtual presentation on the dangers of ticks across Eastern Ontario and how to protect yourself. Presenter Dr. Andrew Peregrine, professor and clinical parasitologist at the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, will touch on how to distinguish the bad guys from the benign ones and strategies for avoiding and safely removing ticks; discussion on Lyme Disease in dogs and people, what you can do to reduce your risk, and resources if you are impacted by Lyme Disease.
Every Thursday through to May 27 – 5:00pm to 6:15pm
Virtual Speaker Series on Sustainability

If you missed an event recordings are available – here
- Thursday April 22 – 5:00pm to 6:15pm Climate change starting with an international context, bringing it to Muskoka, and finally discussing policy tools to assist in the fight against climate change. Presenter – Dr. Dianne Saxe
The Politics of Carbon Pricing –
A recording of Part One Friday March 26 webinar is available here.

What Does the Supreme Court Decision Mean for the Future of Climate Policy in Canada. At this event, an expert panel will discuss the implications of the ruling on Canada’s climate policy and political calculus; panelists and facilitators include Mia Rabson, Ken Boessenkool, Gerald Butts, Dianne Saxe, Brian Topp, and Dale Beugin.
Friday March 19,2021 – Canada’s Climate Action Plan
If you think Canada has a Climate Action Plan, you need to watch this Webinar.
Climate Solutions 101 presented by Project Drawdown
Your climate solutions journey begins now. Filled with the latest need-to-know science and fascinating insights from global leaders in climate policy, research, investment, and beyond, this video series is a brain-shift toward a brighter climate reality.

Available now. Watch the trailer – Climate Solutions 101 | Project Drawdown
Mobolizing Canada For the Climate Emergency
We’re hosting a conversation with Seth Klein and local Green New Deal organizers across the country on Tuesday, March 9 at 7 p.m. ET. Together, we will explore how we can apply the lessons learned from Canada’s war-time transformations to the current climate crisis.
Protecting Ontario’s environmental future: What’s next after Bill 229?
Seven young people are taking the Ford government to court
Seven young people are taking the Ford government to court because its watered down climate action plan will lead to widespread illness and death, violating Ontarians’ Charter-protected rights to life, liberty, and security of the person. As young people, the applicants say they and people like them will bear the costs of climate inaction more than previous generations. Watch this excellent webinar with two of the young activists taking the Ford government to court. Meet two of the youth and find out why they are doing this – here
More than 50 speakers in five curated sessions
Here’s a great sample, just 7 minutes – How To Be a Good Ancestor
More than 50 speakers in five curated sessions that combine TED’s signature blend of actionable and research-backed ideas, cutting-edge science, and moments of wonder and inspiration. The 5 sessions total 6 hours, pace yourself.
Go to the Countdown site – see a breakdown of programs into manageable segments of a few minutes.