Climate Action Muskoka

Since 2020, climate education has been mandatory in New Jersey public schools

The escalating human cost of a warming world

Oct 11, 2024 – Katharine Hayhoe

Milton, another record-breaking hurricane, threatens Florida. Over the last four weeks, there have been floods all across Asia including in Thailand last week, Nepal the week before, and India, China, and Vietnam before that.

Meanwhile in Europe last month, climate change doubled the odds of the flooding driven by the heaviest rainfall ever recorded. Why? It’s simple: warmer air holds more water vapor so the warmer it gets, the greater the risk of heavy downpours and massive floods.

Climate education is self preservation! And the good news is, this idea is starting to catch on. The University of Barcelona has made a class on the physical and social effects of the climate crisis compulsory for all its 14,000 students.  More

How climate change inundated a ‘climate haven’

Oct 6, 2024 – Chris Hatch

All the dry stats about climate change can obscure a more fundamental truth: We are fools to court the violence of nature.

It’s one thing to learn that the air holds more moisture as it gets hotter. You may have heard the factoid that the atmosphere holds seven per cent more water vapour for every degree of temperature rise. 

That’s the basic thermodynamics. Doesn’t sound like such a big deal. Unless you’re underneath the sky when it spins that moisture together and disgorges it from the heavens. 

The sheer volume of water dumped by Hurricane Helene was beyond comprehension. More here

Seniors for Climate Action logo, National Seniors Day October 1, River Mill Park, Huntsville

Climate Action Muskoka (CAM) invited Muskoka seniors and their friends and family to join us for a National Seniors Day for Climate event at River Mill Park on Tuesday, October 1.  
Seniors at 76 locations across Canada participated in this Seniors for Climate event.

Take the Seniors for Climate Pledge

Read our weekly Newsletter -> Here

Sounding the science-based alarm – Professor Johan Rockström

It is important to inspire change, by spreading the word on new solutions, and explaining the benefits of a rapid transition for our health, our ecosystems and our economies. But sometimes we also need to hear that we’re in deep shit – and that the time remaining to get us out of it is quickly vanishing. Watch Professor Johan Rockström’s 18-minute TED talk. Learn how the climate crisis is accelerating in a way that makes climate scientists very nervous – and hear him describe the path to a very different and much nicer future for us all.

Carbon pricing 101: How it works!

April 11, 2024 – By David Suzuki with contributions from Senior Editor and Writer Ian Hanington

Carbon pricing can be confusing. Simply put, it’s designed to increase costs of burning polluting fossil fuels and encourage cleaner alternatives. It creates a financial incentive for people and businesses to pollute less. Rebates help keep household costs down.

Learn more

Artists For Real Climate Action Presents
Meet The Big Oil Alliance: Four Oil Execs and a Vampire Walk Into a Boardroom

Community Carbon Challenge

Get Yourselves and The Kids Outside More

I will ensure the kids get outside more and encourage independent play. “Passion is lifted from the earth itself by the muddy hands of the young; it travels along grass-stained sleeves to the heart. If we are going to save environmentalism and the environment, we must also save an endangered indicator species: the child in nature.” ~ Richard Louv

In his 2005 book “Last Child in the Woods” Richard Louv defined what teachers, researchers, and physicians were seeing in many children as Nature-Deficit Disorder. Find out more and link to the June, 2024 interview with Richard Louv – here

“Natural” gas or methane: which would you choose?
Actor Rick Roberts of Artists for Real Climate Action asked some passers by what type of stove they prefer to cook with: natural gas or methane? It’s a trick question – but the reason why may surprise you. – watch the video

FYIFossil gas, aka natural gas is primarily methane. In addition, various amounts of higher alkanes and low levels of trace gases like carbon dioxide,  nitrogenhydrogen sulfide, and helium are present.

Read more about Gas Expansion projects in Ontario